Join us at conferences, workshops, trainings, ...
27th November – 1st December: Hydrospace 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
26-27th September: IESWG-2023, Helsinki, Finland and on-line.
25-28th September: EWGLAM conference, Reykyavik, Finland and on-line.
11-15th September: EUMETSAT meteorological satellite conference 2023, Malmö, Sweden.
12-14th June: LPVE23 - Workshop on Land Product Validation and Evolution, Frascati, Italy.
23-28th April: EGU 2023, Vienna, Austria.
24-28th October: 13th AARSE International Conference, Kigali, Rwanda.
19-23rd September: EUMETSAT meteorological satellite conference 2022, Brussels, Belgium.
23-27th May: EGU 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23-27th May: Living Planet Symposium 2022, Bonn, Germany.
24-28th January: 5th H SAF Users Workshop, on-line.
13-17th December: AGU Fall Meeting, on-line.
24-26th November: 7th SALGEE Workshop, on-line.
20-24th September 2021: EUMETSAT meteorological satellite conference 2021, on-line.
12-16 July: IGARSS 2021, Brussels, Belgium, on-line.
19-30th April: EGU2021, on-line.
28th September-2nd October: EUMETSAT meteorological satellite conference 2020, Würtzburg, Germany: cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic.
3-8th May: EGU2020, Vienna, Austria: on-line.
28th November: BEODAY2019, Kluisbergen, Belgium.
14-17th October: 6th Salgee workshop, Darmstadt, Germany.
13th September: Ecoprophet Open Seminar, Brussels, Belgium.
13-17th May: Living Planet Symposium, Milano, Italy.
6-10th May: EUMETSAT/WMO training, Nairobi (Kenya).
7-12th April: EGU2019, Vienna, Austria.
22nd-25th October: Training course on the use of satellite products for drought monitoring and agro-meteorological applications, Darmstadt, Germany.
17th-21st September: EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite conference 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
10-13th September: SPIE Remote Sensing 2018, Berlin, Germany.
26-28th June: Join ISWG LSA workshop, Lisbon, Portugal.
29th-31st May: Proba-V Symposium 2018, Ostend, Belgium.
8-13th April: EGU2018, Vienna, Austria.
29th March: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium seminar series, Brussels, Belgium.
30th January: BEODAY2018, Beersel, Belgium.
20th October: ICOS BE Science Conference 2017 , Gembloux, Belgium.
2-6th October: EUMETSAT meteorological satellite conference 2017, Rome, Italy.
11-14th September: SPIE Remote Sensing 2017, Warsaw, Poland.
27-29th June: MultiTemp 2017, Bruges, Belgium
22th June: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium seminar series, Brussels, Belgium.
24-28th April: WMO/ EUMETSAT training course on the use of satellite products for drought monitoring and agro-meteorological applications, Budapest, Hungary.
23-28th April: EGU general assembly, Vienna, Austria.
13-16th March: ESA Worldcover conference, Frascati, Italy.
16th February: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium seminar series, Brussels, Belgium.
26-30th September: EUMETSAT conference, Darmstadt, Germany.
20th September: WMO RAVI Hydrological Forum 2016, Workshop on Hydrological modelling, forecasting and warnings, Oslo, Norway.
5-6th September: PRODEX 30th anniversary symposium, Noordwijk, The Netherland.
6-7th June: Copernicus Global Land User Workshop, Arlon, Belgium.
9-13th May: Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic.
23-28th April: European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
26th January: PROBA-V Symposium, Ghent, Belgium.