Legend Thunderstorm

No significant problems are expected due to thunderstorms. Some local thunders or lightning strikes may be possible.
Does not apply

In the province local thunderstorms with heavy rainfall, hail storms, gusts or lightning strikes are expected which can cause troubles or damage. Be careful.
20 to 30 l/m² in 1 hour* or
20 to 40 l/m² in 6 hours or
25 to 50 l/m² in 24 hours or
local strong windgusts or
hailstones 1 to 2 cm

Heavy thunderstorms are expected in the province. Intense rainfall, hail storms, heavy gusts of wind or lightning strikes can cause widespread troubles or damages. Be careful and follow the instructions of the responsible authority.
31 to 50 l/m² in 1 hour* or
41 to 60 l/m² in 6 hours or
51 to 100 l/m² in 24 hours or
widespread strong windgusts ou
hailstones 3 to 5 cm

There is a big chance of a very severe thunderstorm with an exceptional impact on several places. Bring yourself, others and, if possible, your personal belongings to safety and follow the instructions of the responsible authority.
Already flooding problems and heavy rain still forecasted or
> 50 l/m² in 1 hour* or
> 60 l/m² in 6 hours or
> 100 l/m² in 24 hours or
widespread extreme windgusts or
hailstones > 5 cm
* the hourly forecast of certain values are broadcast 1 hour beforehand