About the RMI
Scientific service
Weather forecasts
This department is responsible for delivering the weather forecasts and the warnings.

The main activities are:
This department delivers several times a day nowcasts, short-term weather forecasts (6 to 48h ahead) and medium-term forecasts (until 14 days ahead). They cover the Belgian territiry (11 regions in the country and 2 maritime areas) and for the medium-term forecasts even Europe.
The weather predictions are meant for the general public. These are shared by media, such as radio, television, phone, and internet. Furthermore, there are specific users such as the federal institutions, energy distributers, the agricultural sector, organisers of outdoor events, research groups, the transport sector and different private companies. The information is delivered in texts, diagrams, tabels, footage and maps.

There are daily briefings with weather presenters.
This department plays an important role for elaborating the emergency plans made by the crisis center of the government. The forecasters deliver meteorological support in case of a chemical or nuclear incident in Belgium or abroad. The weather office also takes car of warnings for rare or potentially dangerous weather phenomena like fierce winds, abundant precipitation, thunderstorms, winter conditions (snow, sleet, frost), periods of heat or severe frost. If necessary, specific warnings and storm reports are distributed for shipping.
Dr. Ir. David Dehenauw, Head of the Scientific Service Weather Forecasts and of the subdivision OMS (Oceanografic Meteorological Station)
Tel.: 02 / 373 06 53
E-mail : david.dehenauw[at]meteo.be
Dr. Fabian Debal, Chief meteorologist
Tel.: 02 / 373 06 44
E-mail : fabian.debal[at]meteo.be
Dr. Pascal Mailier, Responsible for quality control of the weather forecasts
Tel.: 02 / 790 39 66
E-mail: pascal.mailier[at]meteo.be